Tuesday, April 12, 2011

new york, part i.

If you've been a long-time follower, you may've noticed I had this whole New York trip planned last year. (Thanks for enduring all that [intermittent] 90 Days 'Til NYC hoopla!)

A year+ after the fact, I am finally ready to share some photos and tidbits from my trip. (I also have a travel blog - quelle voyageuse - if you would like to read all about my trip without any visuals. Yes, I am a very long-winded writer.)

top: our apartment
bottom left: old juxtaposed with new - buildings in Midtown/Upper East Side
bottom right: inside Alice's Tea Cup, Chapter II for afternoon tea

We rented an apartment for a week in Midtown/Upper East Side. It was an old and narrow building, with a distinct lack of hot water, but still, quite lovely.

afternoon tea at Alice's Tea Cup

There was a cute tea shop right around the corner and we managed to stop in twice. It's very cute, has delectable tea and scones, amazing fries (who'da thunk it?), and delicious mar-TEA-nis that they only wish more people would order.

good ol' KD

What do you do if you're starving at midnight? Brave the snow and make a late-night grocery store and drug store run.

Friday, April 8, 2011

leather and denim.

Guess what I bought...

these babies!

I've been a bit whiny about a (seemingly) lack of interesting shoes lately (past two or three months), so seeing these at Zara was a breath of fresh air for me.

Also, I tried on a pair of Sam Edelman Zoe boots yesterday. Sadly, they're not for me. I found the sole a bit too slippery and sticking grip soles on them feels wrong somehow (the sole has "Sam Edelman" stamped all over it in different fonts). If you are a size 6 though, they are priced down at Gia on Robson 'cause it's the display shoe. (Buckles are a tiny bit damaged.)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

oh, hello. fancy meeting you here...

Yes, I have really sucked on updating le blog. I'm not even sure how I managed to earn an award for being so dormant. (Thanks Chloe!)

But since Chloe at This Girl's City was so kind to pass on The Versatile Blogger Award to me, I must oblige with sharing 7 random facts about myself.

  1. I don't like olives.
    I think they are fine sliced up and on pizza, nachos, in dips, etc., but I can't do whole olives. I don't even like them in Greek salads; they're just too salty!
  2. I cry watching Disney movies.
    Every animated Disney movie I've watched has made my eyes water, if not full-on cry.
  3. There is always room for ice cream.
    Even if I'm stuffed to the point of feeling sick and someone suggests to have some ice cream, gelato, or sorbet for dessert, I will always say 'yes'.
  4. I love quoting movies and tv shows randomly.
    It amuses me to no end, even though people around me usually don't know the reference. (PS. If you ever want to get into a quote-off with me, try Snatch, Napoleon Dynamite, Zoolander or Friends.)
  5. Hanson is my all-time favourite band.
    It's hard to explain without being long-winded, but if I had to sum it up in one sentence, I'd say: they were there when I was growing up and they're here while I'm still growing and learning.
  6. I can't swim.
    Or at least I haven't swam since highschool for PE (12 years ago) and I've never been very good at it. If it were a life or death situation, I could probably get myself to shore... I hope.
  7. I'm anal retentive about my books.
    I don't like lending out my books unless I know the borrower will treat my books with as much care as I would. Exceptions to this rule: if I'd already "maimed" the book somehow (bent corner on the cover, oh noes!).

* *

A few months ago, I was also passed on the Trendy Blog Award from Miss Soo at The Habitue. (Sorry for the delayed 'thanks'!)


To accept this award:
1. Post about the award
2. Pass it on to 10 other bloggers
3. Send the link for the button. You can find that here.
4. Make an acceptance speech

I'd like to pass both awards on to (and in some cases, reciprocate):
  1. Panda at Stud Muffin
  2. Janis at My Suitcase Heart
  3. Liv at A Beautiful Life
  4. Miss Soo at The Habitue
  5. Chloe at This Girl's City
  6. Elisse at Für Elisse
  7. Nicole at Le Mode du Jour
  8. lanmao
  9. Kelsey at The Anthology
  10. Lauren at Loafing Odysseys

As for an acceptance speech... "I'd like to thank [insert your name because you are an awesome reader!]"