Monday, December 6, 2010

kerry james marshall.

near the end of summer, i'd visited the vancouver art gallery to see the modern woman, the first ever touring exhibit from musée d'orsay. i loved the exhibit for a few reasons, including my love for degas and my immense appreciation for masters of pastel and charcoal.

another exhibit on at the time (and still up 'til january 3) is the first canadian solo exhibit of kerry james marshall. prior to this particular art gallery visit, i'd never heard of marshall, but his paintings left a huge impression on me.

black painting (2003)
original photo found here

personally, i feel his social commentary paintings are the most poignant, but i couldn't possibly describe his work in a way that would do him justice. if you get a chance, please do see his work in person.

want to read more about kerry james marshall? i recommend this frieze article.


  1. I wish I had seen the Art Gallery's presentation of the modern woman! I admit that I don't have enough knowledge to appreciate art in the way that you are able to express it. Keep putting up posts like these!

  2. thanks for the feedback elisse! i'll try to throw in some artist posts once a while; it'll keep me inspired as well! :)

  3. I saw this piece at the Birmingham Museaum of Art, and the photo does it no justice. The longer I gazed at this work of art, the more "popped" out!!! It spoke to me, and I listened.


merci beaucoup!